Making God's love visible in our community and beyond.
Members and friends are welcome to participate in activities that cultivate the spirit of Christian fellowship.
These include:
Women’s Fellowship Group is a member group of the Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec, and promotes the work of Canadian Baptist Ministries.
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. at a local restaurant. For more information, please contact the church office.
The principal functions of First Baptist Women are to cultivate the spirit of Christian fellowship among the women of the church, and to provide opportunities to learn about and participate in the total mission of the Church at home and around the world.
First Cares volunteers carry out a range of activities, such as friendly visits for persons who are homebound or in a care setting and provide outreach and practical support to people in need.
First Cares further assists by communicating prayer needs to the Prayer Chain group.
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast and fellowship in a casual atmosphere.
Due to COVID-
.Contact the Church office for more information